Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mulroy & Chapter 1: Is watered down kool-aid better than the real stuff?

America the Grammarless, written by David Mulroy, seeks to expound upon the importance of grammar by using faulty syllogisms that are all based on one observation: "The gist of my argument so far has been [America's educational world is hurting because of] the opposition to formal instruction in grmmar" (22). But, and I do not say this lightly, Mulroy waters down the kool-aid, man! You can't water down the kool-aid, when you give someone a thick, goopy, peanut-butter sandwich! ("Okay, just what the hell kind of analogy is that," someone might say.)

1 comment:

Steve said...

Actually, wouldn't watered down Kool-Aid be easier to swallow than the full-sugar version?